Little known methods for a stronger core

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Tired of trying to follow cardiac (as in attack) routines created by 20 year olds? Wouldn't you like to learn a few moves that were designed to activate your core muscles while releasing tension in your lower back?

I have been training in the military and kick-boxing for decades. But, the constant stress on my body had been taking its toll. Despite spending thousands of dollars on physio and massage therapy, accupuncture and chiropractic treatments, my back, knees and hips were in pain. I also found that my left leg started going numb by the age of 41. People started commenting how crooked I looked when I lifted weights. One day, one of my fitness and kick-boxing trainees showed up several pounds lighter and looking great. She mentioned a system about body alignment. So, I cut back on my running on pavement and lifting weights and dove into body alignment movements. This included learning Pilates (from ballet instructors), power yoga and classical martial arts. Not only did my back and hip pain subside, but I was able to compete in kickboxing at age 40, climb Mt. Rainier at age 47 and train army reserve infantry courses at age 55.

So, here are some simple movements that deliver huge results with body strength and ease of movement. Once you learn them, they can become an easy routine that you barely think about. The trick is to learn the small details that make the movements effective.

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